Large Marge Sent Us

281. A Christmas Story



Merry Christmas from the Sweeties! We're only doing one Christmas movie this year and we picked one we're not too fond of but know a lot of people are obsessed with! From 1983, A Christmas Story was (is?) played all day long on Christmas Day and boy did we hate it! We always felt this movie was schlubby due to its 1940s time period and also couldn't give a fudge about Ralphie and pining away for a bb gun. However, we do understand its place in Christmas cinematic history and how if your family was one of the ones who watched it all day on Christmas, you'd have a nostalgic twinge every time you hear "you'll shoot your eye out kid!". We'll talk about our #1 present coveted on Christmas, why we think this is largely a boy movie, and Sweety does a great impression of if Jack Nicholson played the role of Ralphie's Dad! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!