Insights With Trent Munday

If You‘re Still Debating It, Tell The World About It #1478



Whenever we launch a new business, or product or even a new promotion, we usually have some sort of plan in place. Then what happens is we start debating it. Either internally, in our own head, or with other members of the team. And when we do that, oftentimes doubt starts to seep in. And the debate goes on...and on...and on... When that happens, a good strategy may simply be to tell the market what you're doing. Or maybe let them know about a few options that you're considering. If you do that, you'll get meaningful feedback from the people who ultimately matter...your market. Do you risk losing the element of surprise? Yes. But better to lose the element of surprise and have a successful launch, than to keep the element of surprise and launch a failure. #launchstrategy #debate #marketfeedback