Real World Gardener Podcasts

Dill versus Fennel: What‘s the Difference in Spice it Up



 SPICE IT UP Dill versus Fennel How well do you know your herbs? Have you ever used fresh dill in any recipes? Perhaps a dill sauce, with smoked salmon or in a potato salad, but what about fennel.? Those feathery fronds of dill, have a similar smell to fennel, so can they be used interchangeably? Dill is pictured here but it looks similar to the feather fronds of fennel doesn't it? So how can you tell the difference between dill and fennel fronds? Fennel bulb and frond Dill fronds are slightly finer and a darker green than fennel fronds. Dill has a higher anise or licorice note when you crush the leaf. Fennel has the same level of anethol (active enzyme) but tends to be sweeter. Seeds or both dill and fennel are used in cooking and are referred to as a spice. Seed flavour profiles differ from the fresh plant.  Dill fronds are sometimes referred to as 'dill weed' in recipes. Dill seeds are used a lot in pickles, but don’t have magical properties. Ian’s great tip was when using fennel seeds, dry r