Caroline Phipps

The Emotional Minefield



The Emotional Minefield  Do You Know Where You’re Standing? Are you living in an emotional minefield tiptoeing around other people? Or do others have to tiptoe around you? Last month we discussed hyper-sensitivity and the challenges around the giving and taking of offense. So many of you reached out that I thought it might be helpful to take a closer look at some effective ways to deal with the pressures of these emotionally charged days, particularly with the holiday season just around the corner. As previously touched on in this series, the only power we have is being responsible for ourselves. It’s simply not possible to fully control how others behave.  Communicate with kindness when you feel hurt to clear up any misunderstanding and avoid triggering heightened sensitivity. And be prepared to listen if you have caused hurt. But this only works if everyone involved can rise above the situation and has a genuine desire to make things better, as opposed to trying to establish righteousness. Forcing someb