Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

241 The Covid vs. Tourism Crisis



Recorded before the protests against travel bans, this episode explains what they were all about. Entrepreneur Josh Koonin joined us to explain the growing frustration policy. How accurately is the government assessing the dangers to public health? How much of their decisions are based on politics? How much is the tension between the current and former administrations fuling the chaos? How problematic is this lack of tourism for Israel beyond economic concerns? Join us!Josh's Blog ArticleJosh's websiteThe Israel Conversation by Masa Israel Journey is a weekly podcast produced by Matt Lipman, and hosted by Michael Unterberg and Liel Zahavi-Asa.This episode was edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Facebook pagePlease rate, review, share and recommend our podcast.If you have further questions about Israel, please feel free to contact your Masa teacher.