Small Beans

442. Tales from the Pit: Life on High, a Sobriety Update (feat. Katie Willert)



The pit is back! Well, the podcast. Honestly, it’s been a while because things have been fairly positive in the lives of Michael Swaim and Katie Willert. It’s not all roses, but the two update us (and hopefully fellow addicts out there) how things are going now that they’re sober. No real trigger warnings this time: they discuss their relationship with addiction, what they’re struggling with, and what they’re not struggling with. More or less, it’s a positive reinforcement that anyone can make a choice to be better tomorrow and we here at Small Beans highly suggest it, even if there’s setbacks once in a while. Features: Katie Willert: Michael Swaim: Check our store to buy Small Beans merch! Support Small Beans and access Additional Content: