Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

Blazing Your Own Trail - A Conversation With My Mom, Agnes Laing



This week, I figured it would be quite fitting with Mother’s Day around the corner to have my mom Agnes Laing on the show. This show however, is not all about mothers and Mother's Day. My mom is a trailblazer when it comes to amateur sport and business. She has built one of the largest gymnastics facilities in the country and has touched the lives of thousands of children in the city. She has kids coming to classes whose grandparents she coached. It’s quite remarkable to see and hear the impact she has had on individuals, many of whom have gone on to excel in other sports, but more importantly with life in general. She has seen the shift over the last 45 years of the role sport plays in the lives of families. She talks about the role of a “coach” and the relationship between coach and athlete and the investment they make with one another. We also hit on what its like for coaches and athletes when they are related and trying to find balance in their home lives and on the sports stage (my mom was my coach…and t