Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

This Is Me! Uncensored, Unfiltered, Unedited, Unscripted!



Welcome to my milestone 100th episode of Living Your Life w Lianne Laing. This is a big deal! After 99 amazing guests on the show I decided that the 100th guest would be ME!The process of recording this podcast took me out of my comfort zone and into a very vulnerable position. I open up about the challenges I faced when deciding to leave my 20 year carreer in broadcast televion. I suspect, others out there face similar challenges everyday. I have gone through quite the transformation in the last two years and I wanted to share aspects of my journey that I felt might help others. How many of you have thought about taking a massive leap of faith from current life in hopes of one day living the life you dream about.I talk about the mistakes I made or things I overlooked when it came to setting up a business and the reality of working for myself. I talk about the shift in mindsetand dealing with the "mean girl" in my head. I go off about the brutal habit of comparing ourselves to others and I talk candidly about