Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

"Brain Powered Weight Loss" - Eliza Kingsford Explains The Mental Shift Needed For Weight Loss



It’s a fresh year with new goals and resolutions possibly consist of trying to live a healthier lifestyle and possibly shed a few pounds? However, something tells me you've been here before- you've tried this before- this resolution-  is starting to feel like groundhog day.It probably feels like insanity….A wise man once said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" . It seems old habits, emotions and patterns usually come back into play…And here’s the key….The most important component in the battle with your body is healing the source of your suffering. Successful weight management requires shifting your identity and belief systems...well before diet and exercise.I'm not throwing this out there without providing you some answers. The book is called "Brain Powered Weight Loss" written by Eliza Kingsford. Eliza is described as a mind/body practitioner and nationally recognized weight management expert. She is a leading voice in the burgeoning min