Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

How To Thrive In The Workforce & Find Your Own Path To Success w Sari Cantor



Are you dreaming of that perfect job?Maybe you are still trying to figure out what it is you really want to do in life?Have you been stuck in the same job for years and feel like you are being passed over for a promotion?Are you simply going through the motions living your life for the weekend?Do you tense up before a job interview or can’t figure out why you aren’t getting hired for the jobs you want? We spend the majority of our adult lives at work. So it should be a place you enjoy being at, an environment to thrive in, a place where you feel valued- and yet I bet the majority of you don’t see it this way.Lets kick start this year with some inspiration, motivation and know-how, to land the job you want, in the field that you want, earning the income you desire. Ask yourself, what are employers are looking for, what mistakes could I be making on my resume, and how can I improve my first impression.Recruiting In Motion partner Sari Cantor has spent more than 20 years engaging people across the country t