Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

Life on Hold- The Mental & Physical Toll For Athletes During Covid- Brendan Gillanders Opens Up



For many of us- life is still somewhat on pause and for others things only got busier. However, for many professional athletes- life came to an uncomfortable and scary standstill. Such has been the case for RedBlacks running back Brendan Gillanders. Hand him a hockey stick- and he can shoot, a pair of running shoes and he will spring from the blocks, throw him the football and he’ll run into the endzone- and then celebrate while playing on his guitar- essentially he’s what my friends and I used to call “The Man Of All Seasons”. But- that’s not the reason why Brendan Gillanders is joining us on the podcast- this homegrown talent and former Ottawa U Gee Gee’s player and Kinesiology major, is a fan favourite with the CFL's RedBlack. With a season on hold, a life on hold, Brendan is going back to his roots and his education helping others stay on track with their health and wellness goals and giving young athletes an added advantage for their own uncertain futures. We are talking nutrition, fitness and