Ndc Savings Club

NDC Savings Club - 04.01.15



Today Show: Vaccine Safety and the Right to Informed Consent   Guest Speaker: Sue Collins Co-Founder of (NJ-AICV) New Jersey Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination   Founded in the spring of 1999, the NJ-AICV New Jersey Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination consists of volunteer parents and individuals who monitor vaccine legislation in New Jersey focusing on vaccine safety and the right to informed consent. NJ-AICV is an advocacy group concerned with defending the freedom of all New Jersey citizens to make informed, voluntary, vaccination decisions.  Our goal is to protect the right to informed consent through education and awareness. http://www.njaicv.org/   Health News Segment with: "Dr. Wald, director of Longevity at Integrated Medicine Today topic: DETOX DECEPTION - Part 2 of 5 Part Series, it's life or death!   Dr. Michael Wald, aka, The Blood Detective, exposes the truths and lies surrounding detoxification methods, approach and concepts. What are toxins? What is detoxification really? Ho