Ndc Savings Club

NDC Savings Club – 12.16.15



Today Show: Chakras Guest Speaker:  Simona Sebastian  http://www.chakra-anatomy.com/ Simona Sebastian is the founder of Chakra-Anatomy. Simona is a writer, meditation teacher, and spiritual coach, helping people to discover their true nature of being. Simona’s journey began when curiosity led her to research in quantum physics and consciousness while studying psychology at university.  As her journey was unfolding, she discovered her intuitive gifts and devoted her time to study the subtle body, various energy systems and healing methods. Simona is passionate about helping people on their journey of discovery. New Series: The 36 Flow of Energy Systems. Chi Homeoptic Structure Water Numerology Healers Naturopathic Geometric Shapes Alchemy Yoga Living Foods Feng Shui Life After Death Meditation Sound - Music EMF Ghosts Ayurvedic Color Astrology UFO’s Reiki Quantum Physics Psychics Money -Luck Recap commentary of last week show: Reiki