Ndc Savings Club

NDC Savings Club – 03.09.16



Today Show: 5 Elemental Energies Guest Speaker: Dr. Jason Elias  http://fiveelementhealing.net Dr. Jason Elias, has been in private practice since the 1970’s, treating thousands of patients by integrating the modalities of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition. Over a period of forty years, my professional training has included work in the U.S. with acknowledged leaders in the fields of psychology, the Alexander technique, massage therapy, bioenergetic therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and herbal medicine; in Japan with masters of Aikido; in Hong Kong with a prominent Chinese acupuncturist and herbalist; and in India, with an Ayurvedic master. What is the Five Elemental Energies? The Five Elemental Energies (wu sing) represent the tangible activities of yin and yang as manifested in the cyclic changes of nature which regulate life on earth.  Also known as the Five Movements (wu yun), they define the various stages of transformation in the recurring natural cycles of seasonal chang