Ndc Savings Club

NDC Savings Club – 03.16.16



Today Show: Let it Go Guest Speaker: Alex Acuna   https://ndcsavingsclub.com/ Host and producer of the NDC Savings Club will be talking about the concept of Let it Go. Everything is energy and even our thoughts are energy fields and a lot of conditions that affect us are caused by these addicting energy fields like: Food, Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Pornography, Chattering Mind, Gambling, Bad Relations, Bad Luck and many more. Learn how we can be infected by these addicting energy fields and how you can Let it Go. Learn greatest secrets of the universe that we can literally Let it Go and create your own reality. New Series: The 36 Flow of Energy Systems. Let it Go Homeoptic Structure Water Numerology Healers Naturopathic Geometric Shapes Alchemy Yoga Living Foods Feng Shui Life After Death Meditation Sound - Music EMF Ghosts Ayurvedic Color Astrology UFO’s Reiki Quantum Physics Psychics Money -Luck Recap commentary of last week show: 5 Elemental Energies