Financially Speaking ~ Kathy Cook Noble

From Bombs to Blades to Beats with Besh, Lifestyle Contributor



Financially Speaking with Kathy Cook Noble  Exciting things are happening on the Financially Speaking podcast! We’d like to welcome our new Lifestyle Contributor host – Brent ‘Besh’ Beshara. Besh describes himself as “a global citizen, student of life, explorer, scientist, and a firehose philosopher.” He’ll be sharing his story - how he retired as a Canadian Military Special Forces Navy Bomb Disposal Diver and became an international knife designer inventing the “Besh Wedge” – the strongest knife tip in the world. But he ultimately decided to take the “Rasta Bob” route by making music, supporting his tribe, and rockin’ at music festivals. He says “(it) came down to my choices, accountability, action, and commitment.” As our Lifestyle Contributor, Besh will be sharing some of the key things he has learned about living a life filled with purpose. Brent ‘Besh’ Beshara - I am a global citizen, student of life, explorer, scientist, and a firehose philosopher. My 24 years in the Canadian military as a Special Force