Power Up For Profits Podcast

205: Avoid Podcast Host "Bait & Switch"



Those new to getting booked on podcast shows may come upon situations you’re not quite sure how to handle. Whether it be the host asking you to pay to be on the show, being required to agree to pay a no-show fee, or a bait and switch where the only reason the host invited you on their show was to sell you their products and services. Paying to be on Shows As a rule, most hosts do not charge their guests. However, it is not unheard of, but before you agree to pay, determine if it’s a good investment. In other words, what has to happen to justify the cost? No Show Fee Charging a “no-show” fee is a new one to me. The first time I heard this was a few days ago. In all the time I’ve been hosting two shows and being a featured expert on hundreds of shows, I’ve never come across this. I’m not sure if this is a new practice, but most of the show hosts I know, do not have a no-show penalty fee. Guests Paying for Host’s Products and Services Investing in your personal and professional development is to be expected. It’