St. Luke Columbus

Where is the God of Justice? // Steve Brown



As you look at what is happening in our world and individual lives, you may be thinking, “Evil seems to be winning. Where is the God of justice?” God brings justice through Jesus alive in us and everything is made new. The Hebrew prophets Malachi and John the Baptist proclaimed that God’s justice was coming. God’s justice came in Jesus. God’s justice is backward from the world’s justice. God’s justice flows from God’s grace found in Jesus and not from the world’s karma justice. At the same time, God’s justice calls for a response of trust in God and living in obedience to God’s values. When we trust in Jesus and seek to live by the Lord’s values, God’s justice overcomes the evil injustices of our time, and lives are changed to be more like Jesus.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website