On Purpose With Isha Cogborn

Video Trends with Ita Udo-Ema



Ita Udo-Ema is a video producer, a strategic storyteller, and the founder of the studio, View From Above Entertainment. In this episode, Ita talks about how to move beyond getting caught up in new platforms and vanity metrics and how to use video as a vehicle to achieving your business objectives. In the episode I talk to Ita about: How he ditched engineering school at Purdue for a creative degree Understanding the metrics that matter most to your business Upcoming trends in video and how it can make your projects even more amazing Developing the G.A.M.E plan. Ita is also one of the co-authors of my new book, On Purpose: 12 Strategies to Reclaim Your Power and Change Your Life. He talks about his life then takes us for a walk through how to take your jumbled ideas and structure them into a beautiful story. Connect with Ita Udo-Ema: Website - www.viewfromabove.net Email - contact@viewfromabove.net Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/ViewfromAboveNet Download Ita’s free resources HERE! Platform for Purpose B