Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Him and His Minions



Hello Fam, We are now into DJT's presidency and I believe it is driving people batty. Some who voted for him are suffering from regret and others who voted for him are suffering from delusion.  This dude is not who we as Americans want nor need as our President. Unfortunately, that's who we have and it's evident that things are going be very different for these next four years. However, comedians are having a ball. So much fodder.  On this show, we discuss a possible explanation for certain people voting him in. We also discuss religion, the Muslim ban and the true victims and perpetrators of terrorism. There is so much going on right now. It's easy to get caught up in fear. We ask that you remain vigilant and fearless.  As always, we love you and thank you for listening. BE LIGHT, BE LOVE - SS & MT