Kevin Whitsitt

What is the Difference Between Metaverse and Multiverse?



Click on the link below for my blog post on how the Metaverse and Multiverse are different!  Maybe you have heard about this Metaverse and there is also a term called Multiverse floating around! You might be wondering if they are the same thing or how they are different.    The short answer is The Metaverse is a virtual reality world and the Multiverse is a crazy theory that there are many different universes. They are completely different.    Imagine instead of seeing the internet "on a screen" you put on a VR headset and the internet is all around you. This is the Metaverse. Some people feel that personal ownership of things will be available in this world.   We are starting to see this with NFT's and blockchain technology.   Considering how marketers "break everything," meaning they try to "sell lots of shit" it makes sense.    Funny enough crypto was created b