Insights With Trent Munday

Beware Your USP Is Not Just A Distinction Without A Difference #1463



A Distinction without a Difference is what they call a logical fallacy. It's when we draw a very fine distinction between two things but ultimately it doesn't amount to any meaningful difference. 'I'm not lying...I'm just stretching the truth.' That would be an example. It's something we see a lot in the hospitality industry, specifically, the Spa Industry. 'They serve Ginger Tea on arrival...but we server ours with Honey!' Is there a distinction between the two offerings? Sure. Does it really make any meaningful difference to the customer? Not really. TASK: Review your USPs through the filter of 'Distinction without a Difference'. Are your USPs meaningfully different from your competitors? OR, are they merely a Distinction without a Difference? #differences #distinction #marketing