Actionable Marketing Podcast

AMP 263: How to Hack Consumer Behavior Using ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) With Paul Mackiewicz



In 2011, Google introduced the term, Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT), also known as the moment that a consumer decides to research a product or service online before they enter a store or contact a business. A lot has changed since Google conducted that research and published the ZMOT ebook. Now, it’s normal behavior and what consumers do online before deciding to make a purchase.  Today’s guest is Paul Mackiewicz, CEO and Founder of #Smart Marketing. He talks about how to hack consumer behavior using ZMOT. Businesses and marketers often overlook small details in their overall online presence that add up to a big difference between who wins or loses. Stay on the winning side by understanding when and where ZMOT happens for your customers.    Some of the highlights of the show include: Ebook: Explains how increased access to information impacts buying decisions 3-Step Marketing Process: Awareness, experience, and compare product/service Business Directory/Review Management Systems: Convert eyeballs to invoices Co