Mantra, Kirtan And Stotra: Sanskrit Chants

Yamuna Tira Vihari with Chitra



Chitra chants the mantra Yamuna Tira Vihari, number 156 in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Booklet, during a Saturday evening satsang at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, Germany. Yamuna Tira Vihari is a wonderful Kirtan who worships Krishna and Rama. This kirtan goes to the heart and at the same time expresses a great longing for the experience of God. And it expresses a certainty: God cares for us. Here is the text to sing along: Yamuna Tira Vihari, Vrindavana Sanchari Govardhana Giridhari, Gopala Krishna Murari // 1 // Dasharatha Nandana Ram Ram, Dashamukha Mardana Ram Ram, Pashupati Ranjana Ram Ram, Papa Vimochana Ram Ram // 2 / Manimaya Bhushana Ram Ram, Manjula Bhashana Ram Ram Ranajaya Bhishana Ram Ram, Raghukula Bhushana Ram Ram // 3 // For more kirtan and mantra vocal recordings click here. All seminars on mantra and music can be found here. Further information about Yoga, meditation and Ayurveda can be found on the internet pages of Yoga Vidya.