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8: r/lostgeneration, sexy sleeper cells, and Magic Johnson never had AIDS



Listen, things are rough right now. Student debt is impossibly high. Our next president could be be a guy who was both a reality show star and frequent WWE guest. Selfie sticks exist. It seems like everything kind of sucks, and it disproportionately(debatably) affects the Reddit generation. r/LostGeneration is all about cynically highlighting some of the problems of our society, and how pissed we all are at the baby boomers for blaming us. Or, it's a place for jobless C students to complain about society from the comfort of their stepdad Gary's basement. Plus, r/dogboobes may be a closet furry, u/myfreeday has a sick new voicemail message, and magic johnson definitely didn't have AIDS. #feelthebern See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.