Did You Reddit?

16: r/polandball, Google Hangouts, and u/itsyerdad is bad at buttons



This week, we're bringing you a user submission from u/backforward24, and a good one at that. While u/dogboobes nurses her slipped disks, and u/myfreeday nurses a rosé in Tuscany, we discuss the world's most confusing international ongoing inside joke, all over Google Hangouts. Also, U/itsyerdad is a terrible internet audio engineer, we try to talk www.trueswords.com into sponsoring us, and we make about a thousand references to things you can't see on our pod (go to www.didyoureddit.com). See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.