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25: r/JesusChristReddit and our sweet pocelain boy, Ken Bone



After a few weeks of nonstop life-changing events, including u/itsyerdads never-ending buffet-sized octopus feast in Greece, and the birth of u/myfreeday's new kid, the DYR crew is back. This week, we dig into listener u/hoefauxsho's email-in request r/JesusChristReddit, where Reddit's most neckbeardy, Cheeto-finger comments are roasted for public-humilation-sake. If ever something makes you say "Jesus Christ, Reddit..." in awe, disgust, or sheer bewilderment, it probably belongs on this subreddit. If ever something holy and sacred like our lord and savior makes you say "Jesus Christ, Reddit..." it probably doesn't belong there. However, before we get into any of that stuff, we spend a hefty twenty minutes discussing Ken Bone, society's sweet boy, who openly admitted he wants to see Jennifer Lawrence's butthole because he's a man of the people. Stay defiantly neutral and egg-shaped Ken Bone. For America's sake. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice a