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51: r/robosexuality, the Nissan factory is basically a mech brothel, and the uncanny valley of fetishes.



Where do your sexual fetishes sit on the uncanny valley, listeners? Are you into a far right realistic sentient being kinda guy who basically just wants a girlfriend that won't mock your sad attempts to fold clothes? Are you more of a centrist who thinks that there's something sexy about a curvy machine with exposed wires? Or, are you on the far left, and basically just got the thickening because of the way that Roomba vacuumed in your direction? These are the pressing issues over at r/robosexuality, and the kind of thing that we all will have to debate in the not so distant future, so we decided to skip ahead and discuss it at depth now. Plus, u/myfreeday briefly discusses his stint as a roadie on Barbara Streisand's 2006 tour, u/dogboobes takes issue with the differences between silicon female and male sex dolls, and u/itsyerdad may or may not have had sex with a pile of dead bees by way of a public pool robovacuum when he was a teenager. This episode brought to you by RealDoll.com, and obviously TrueSwords