Did You Reddit?

152: r/unemployment, medical-grade wine, and dogboobes snags a deodorant sponsorships



DYR is back with another heavy-hitter episode from our respective quarantine episodes. In this episode, we reflect on the last few months and a subreddit that's been steadily on the rise as both a utility for all those unemployed right now, but also a commentary on the status of those struggling during the pandemic for non-health-related reasons. It's a fascinating indication of the conversation around UBI, how people are changing saving and spending habits, and ultimately the value of Reddit as more than just a social platform. Plus, r/beermoney, r/Frugal, and medical-grade deodorant.  Tune in to https://www.twitch.tv/didyoureddit for our new and improved Front Page Review sidequest.  Check the official DYR subreddit for the latest hot goss from the community. https://www.reddit.com/r/didyoureddit/ Follow https://www.instagram.com/didyoureddit/ for the latest scoop on DogBoobes fig adventures.  And as always, email us at hi@didyoureddit.com if you have the latest scoop on competitive military-grade wine bran