Don Woods

The World's Loneliest Man



Cricket is making headline news....certainly not for the excitement of the game but for racist remarks made over the years to whingeing pathetic so called sportsmen.....first we have Yorkshire player Azeem Rafiq so deeply hurt by racial remarks that it ruined his career.....only to be found to have made racial remarks about the Jewish faith himself on social media 10 years ago.....for which he has that's O.K. then...what a hypocrite......................then we have the Australian player who blacked his face at a fancy dress party 9 YEARS AGO!.....he has strongly apologised for this.....why I don't know....was anybody injured?........mind you cricket does need something of interest to talk about because it is so boring....these so called sportsmen need to get a life. Then we have a woman who has complained that she was "inappropriately touched" by Boris Johnson's dad.....10 YEARS AGO....apparently he tapped her bottom and told her she had a nice seat......obviously this has mentally scarred