Caroline Phipps

The Scars We Create



The Scars We Create  When Feelings are Bigger than Truth - - In these unsettling times, mental health issues are front and center. Athletes are voicing their struggles with stress and anxiety; we are leaving our jobs in record numbers often citing burn-out and depression and outbursts of disruptive behavior are popping up everywhere from airlines to grocery stores. Today we are encouraged to share how we feel in a way that we never have before. Having grown up in England where such a thing was totally frowned upon, and hence completely unheard of, it’s a welcome relief. It feels good to know that we are not alone in our own struggles and that there is no longer any stigma attached to revealing it or to getting help.  It comes as no surprise, with all the challenges we’re facing, that in my own life, and work, I am encountering emotional turmoil and overflow of greater intensity than ever before. This is a good thing when the issues are thoughtfully explored, and effort is made to understand more about why