Editor and Publisher Reports

111 TV Sales Expert, Jim Doyle's book, "Selling with a Servant Heart"



For the past 30 years, Jim Doyle has been helping salespeople make more money as one of the top sales trainers for the broadcast industry. His latest book, Selling with a Servant Heart, outlines ten lessons that ultimately lead to greater joy in sales while also increasing income. Doyle describes the concept by saying: “When you commit to serving customers as a ‘Servant Heart Seller,’ you’ll find more success, greater customer loyalty, and far less churn. And you’ll have a lot more fun, too.” He goes on to add: “Lots of good sellers would describe themselves as 'Customer Focused.' But think about a level that is even above that. ‘Servant Heart Sellers’ would better be described as 'Customer Obsessed.' Obsessed that the products they sell and their work personally provide the absolute best outcomes for the client. They are outcome-focused, not just customer-focused.” In this 111th episode of “E&P Reports,” Publisher Mike Blinder goes one-on-one with Jim Doyle to learn more about the concept of “Servant Hea