Below The Bible Belt

Book Seven: Politics - Part One



"May his days be few; may another take his office!" - Psalm 109:8(the opinions of God may or may not reflect those of Below The Bible Belt and it's staff) Download here, if ya please In which them good ole boys forgo their manners and talk politics. They chew the fat about the presidential election before moving onto such decisive subjects as a gun-toting democrats, the second coming of Joseph Stalin, and which 70's actor Mitt Romney aspires to be. James rides in stolen cars with criminal midgets, Matt pulls off voter fraud, and a surprise twist leads to... a cliffhanger?! WHIPLASH 2012: A CHICKEN IN EVERY POT, A WOMAN ON EVERY TRACK     Links: Comrade Lee Anderson John "Shoot Em Up" Barrow Evolution leaps forward... in the polls.