Below The Bible Belt

Book Nine: Holidays



"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath" - Colossians 2:16 Download Here, if ya please In which them good ole boys get the Thanksmas Giving spirit, as Matt regails us with tales from his pampered past, James barters with cart gypsies inside The Wal-Mart on The Edge of Forever, and the two bond over their favorite holiday songs (about sex). After the festivities, stick around for the inspirational story of a terrorist who decided to drop something other than bombs... funky lyrics. BETTER WATCH OUT, BETTER NOT CRY, THE FAT MAN'S GOTTA HANDFUL OF SALT FOR YOUR EYE!      Links: Introducing R.A.D. The Radical Robot. Fear Him. Still better than most Country, I'll admit. "It's a Wizzleteats Kind of Christmas" copyright Nickelodeon, 1993 "Back-Door Santa" copyright Clarence Carter, 1968