Below The Bible Belt

Book Twenty-Seven: Cheeseheads Pt. 2



"Let me take you on a journey through my memory palace... "- The Book of Cody 4:6 Download Here, if ya please In which the good ol' boys aren't rid of their special guest yet, as they brace themselves for the encroaching amphibian onslaught with more Tales of Cody. Be sure to stay in line as you're taken on a guided tour through the most wretched domicile imaginable, a place where the laws of God and Man cease to exist, sinister St. Nicks lurk at every corner, and mason jars appear and disappear when they see fit. Will Cody learn to trust the fungus? What secret does the M.O.D.O.K. mug still hold? What REALLY happened to Sinbad's career? Some of these questions and more are answered in part two of the weirdest BtBB ever. HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLASE' ABOUT A BAG OF MANNEQUIN HEADS?!    Links: ... it's a really good movie.