Next Level Cast 4.0

Next Level Cast 2.0 - Episode 20: Can't Remember



Video games are awesome and here at Next Level Cast we think that it is our duty, NO, our obligation to bring you the latest news and inside stories in the world of video games. Kenny and Sean may not be the best people for the job but by god, they’re the most passionate! Flipping heck have we got a podcast and a half for you this week. The news section is all off the chains without the world famous Peacock to drive it forward so we get all frustrated with Double Fine, Zynga, Microsoft, just about everyone really. Moving on from that we jump into topic of the week which involves a slight criticism of Remember Me and it’s (possibly?) shady marketing tactics. Lastly we get simultaneously angry and excited about Grid 2 and it’s multiplayer. If you’d like to write to the show then contact us at Follow us on Twitter @NextLevelCast @SeanTNL @KennyTNL