Next Level Cast 4.0

Next Level Cast 2.0 - Episode 22: The ol' Xbox Switcheroo



Video games are awesome and here at Next Level Cast we think that it is our duty, NO, our obligation to bring you the latest news and inside stories in the world of video games. Kenny and Sean may not be the best people for the job but by god, they’re the most passionate! Those cheeky buggers at Microsoft have pulled a fast one on us! This week we assess the damage caused and discuss their decision to completely backtrack on the Xbox One policies. In other news, Kenny is leaving for greener pastures. What will happen to the podcast? Where the heck is the peacock? Can the podcast survive? Use your noggin son, we wouldn’t go and tell you the answers to those questions here. You’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out you silly billy. If you’d like to write to the show then contact us at Follow us on Twitter @NextLevelCast @SeanTNL @KennyTNL