Next Level Cast 4.0

Next Level Cast 2.0 - Episode 28: The Problem With Vita



Video games are awesome and here at Next Level Cast we think that it is our duty, NO, our obligation to bring you the latest news and inside stories in the world of gaming. Kenny and Sean may not be the best people for the job but by god, they’re the most passionate! Tank fly boss walk jam nitty-gritty, You’re listening to the boys from the big bad city, This is Next Level Cast. This week we basically  lose our minds over everything. Nintendo ain’t listening. Sony is all over the place with the Vita and GTA V is making us a little dubious about it’s multiplayer component. This could be the last episode for a few weeks so cherish it like you would your favourite pet. If you’d like to write to the show then contact us at Follow us on Twitter @NextLevelCast @SeanTNL @KennyTNL