Berkman Klein Center For Internet And Society: Audio Fishbowl

Technology, Disruption, and the Practice of Law: Will the Profession Survive?



The law is arguably the least innovative profession in the country. Huge sectors of the economy -- health care, banking, the arts -- face constant churn and upheaval. Law schools steadily march along with a 150-year old approach to legal education, a 50-year old approach to law firm structure, and a stubborn fealty to the billable hour. Huge portions of American society are served badly by the legal profession while the legal establishment does precious little to address the problem. Technology has systematically brought great change to almost every profession - even taxi driving - so the question is when, not if, the law will be roiled by true disruption. Join two HLS graduates who are on the forefront of answering these questions for a provocative and challenging discussion. For more about this event, visit: