Mountain News & World Report

Imagining the (Im)Possible Future



This is a mind bending edition of Mountain News & World Report, as we attempt to imagine the (im)possible – a real, just, economic transition for the mountains. In exploring what it means to have faith in our abilities to create something out of little to nothing, we discovered that this faith is the legacy of our mountain ancestors. Mountain people have been “making do” since time immemorial, not only to simply survive, but to thrive and find joy in the least obvious of places. For this episode, we begin in 1950s Knoxville, TN at the Fellowship House Summer-Day Camp, one of the first successful attempts at racially integrating activities for children. This effort was dreamed of by community members and brought to fruition by those same people. WMMT contributor Beth Bingman attended the camp as a child, and brings us this story. In our second segment, we take a leap into the future with KVEC’s FIREShare podcast producers Willa Johnson and Tanya Turner as they bring us a report on The Holler. Universit