Mountain News & World Report

Traditions in Transition



It seems everything in our mountain home is in a state of transition. Change can be hard, but also good. It is a time to take the bull by the horns and stop beating the dead horse — to use some commonplace phrasing. This week on Mountain News & World Report, we are looking at a few of our Traditions in Transition. What traditions are worth putting time, money, and effort toward preserving? What time honored traditions might serve us as we transition into a new economy and which ones should we release in order to make room for new thoughts and ideas? WMMT’s Kelli Haywood begins this episode asking just those questions as she explores the efforts of the Letcher County Culture Hub in introducing squaredancing to a new generation and attempting to reinvigorate the tradition in that generation’s parents and grandparents. What she found might surprise you. Be sure to let us know what you think as well by commenting. In our second story, Benny Becker attends the 4th Annual Appalachian Seed Swap and speaks w