Mountain News & World Report

Ohio Valley ReSource



This is an episode dedicated to the Ohio Valley ReSource, a regional news collaborative of seven radio stations across three states. WMMT is one of those stations, and our reporter Benny Becker represents eastern Kentucky in the OVR. - Benny Becker has the story of the troubled past of water quality in Martin County, Kentucky and how many have lost trust in their water and their government. (This piece was recently picked to air on NPR.) - Aaron Payne delivers the startling statistics and stories behind the region's infants born to addicted mothers in - Born Addicted: The Race to Treat the Ohio Valley's Drug Addicted Babies. Payne is based in Athens, Ohio at WOUB. - WMMT's Kelli Haywood speaks with Jeff Young who is the managing editor of the Ohio Valley ReSource and works from WFPL in Louisville, Kentucky, about the importance of regional journalism and the OVR model in these questioning times.