Mountain News & World Report

Healing Ourselves



On this edition of Mountain News & World Report we’re talking about healing ourselves. It’s no secret that Central Appalachia faces a devastating drug epidemic, or, that our economy is struggling. These challenges call for creative solutions, and in this episode we hear about local, regional, and national projects aimed at creating healthier communities and economies in Central Appalachia. First, is a story about the new Netflix Documentary "Heroin(e)" which follows three women - a fire chief, a judge, and a street missionary as they battle Huntington, West Virginia’s drug epidemic. Next, the Ohio Valley Resource brings us a story about Trump's newly declared "Opioid Emergency." And lastly, we learn about the Herb Hub: a new project based in Duffield, VA which aims to support Appalachian farmers in growing and selling wild medicinal plants. *Photo is 11 year old Magnolia Huish harvesting cohosh on her family farm, submitted by her father Ryan Huish - one of four growers participating in the first seas