Mountain News & World Report

Plants, People & Industry in Appalachia



In this episode we hear from Director Jenifer Hixson of The Moth about their upcoming live-storytelling event on the Appalshop stage September 13, 2019. Plus, we'll hear Jacob Carruba of Harlan County telling a story live at The Moth's Appalachian Debut also on the Appalshop stage in May 2018. Then from the Ohio Valley Resource we learn about a rare plant that’s making a come back by moving OFF of the endangered species list. Glynis Board brings us the saga of the Running Buffalo Clover. And last, but not least, Sydney Boles brings us an interview with Scott Shoupe - a former Harlan County miner who quit mining to receive training in the energy efficiency industry instead. Shoupe shares reflections on the mining industry and the Blackjewel bankruptcy situation.