
I Have A Dream: The Fight Continues



This is an important one, and a passionate one. We talk about MLK's, "I Have a Dream" speech from both a standpoint of the words he says, but also from the organization that took place. The speech is in my opinion the best speech ever made in American history, but the fact that in 1963 they were able to get 250,000 to see it live was absolutely incredible. It speaks to not only the tireless work of civil rights organizers, but also to the urgency of the movement itself, that this was important and needed to be dealt with, and that when you left the event you were going to be active in your community in making things better. So much respect, please listen to the words and understand the amount of work put in, and go out into your own lives as fighters, because it still is a fight! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I47Y6VHc3Ms