Esmo Open

Immunotherapy in lung cancer



Immune Checkpoint inhibitors have become an important treatment option in patients with metastatic lung cancer. This podcast gives an overview on the current evidence of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Based on the phase III data, patients with PDL1 expression >50% are candidates for 1st line pembrolizumab if there are no contraindications. Currently, PDL1 expression as assessed by immunohistochemistry is the most validated biomarker although other biomarkers including mutational load, neo-antigen presence or tumor infiltrating lymphocytes are currently under investigation. Importantly, the side effect profile of immune checkpoint inhibitors does not differ in lung cancer patients. Studies are currently investigating the value of immune checkpoint inhibitors for patients with small cell lung cancer. Several currently on-going studies are investigating the combination of chemo-/radiotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with lung cancer. Read the abstr