Writer's Bagel Basket

Ep. 179: "Boy Meets World" - 'I Was A Teenage Spy' (Guest Co - Host Danielle Brown)



Scott continues 90s November with our favorite Disney and Boy Meets World expert Danielle Brown! They're talking about the Cold War spy episode of Boy Meets World. They dive into how Cory Matthews is the star, but the worst part of the show. Then they discuss why wasn't Henry Winkler in this episode, and Scott unleashes his Robin Williams impression. Nanu Nanu, check it out! Listen to Danielle's podcast World of Commotion right here on the zero science network: www.zero-science.com Follow us on twitter @wrtrbagelbskt, like us on our facebook page, and you can email the boys at writersbagelbasket@gmail.com with questions, shows or movies to watch, and fan art of the shows they're doing. Don't forget to like us on the Facebook too. Instagram is another way to find us too @writersbagelbasket, follow us it's fun!