Rad Radio

Episode 22 - RAD Prodcast - 04.04.18



Amanda created a Facebook Group for the RAD Prodcast fans! Listen up and find out how to become part of our RAD Prodcast Facebook Group and join today. Brandon discusses his trip to Oahu for Spring Break and fighting the urge to have an alcoholic beverage while on vacation. Amanda does a sobriety check in, and discusses her challenges of being at parties like Rob & Christina's wedding celebration without drinking while everyone else is. A listener writes in to get advice on if he has a drinking problem after missing days at work and drinking 3-4 handles of liquor a week.Another listener wants to know how to deal with death. After losing his father and best friend, he feels that the grim reaper has it out for him and he wants to know how to shake that feeling.Brandon and Amanda will be recording their next Prodcast live at the Sabroso Music Festival this Sunday, April 8th between 3pm-4pm at Papa Murphy's park. Become a member of the RAD Prodcast group on Facebook by searching for the RAD Prodcast, an