Maria's Bathtime Musings

Five Opportunities to get more business Part 4 - While Presenting



I love to look at ways to get more business from each client because by doing so, I know that I can make a bigger impact, I can make a bigger change. It's very hard to take a client from A to B with just a speech or just a workshop. But if you can work longer with them, you can do so much more. And part of that is really understanding what that client needs, what else you can do for them. In the session, you can actually find out so much more about your clients and find opportunities to work with them more. Now, this isn't something you can do in the keynote, but this is something that you can do in a less formal session, in a workshop or a masterclass, an internal session, even a lunch and learn. Have a listen to learn just how to create opportunities from you are still presenting.