Dr. Friedemann Schaub

How to Reclaim the Unstoppable You with Kate McGuinness



Imagine you've had it all - a flourishing career, a stable marriage , and financial abundance. And then from one day to the next, all is taken away from you. Wouldn t your confidence be shattered? This is what happened to Kate McGuiness, my guest on the next episode of Empowerment Radio. Within a short time, she found herself from being a high-flying Los Angeles lawyer to existing as a divorced, broke exile in an Iowa farm town. But this was just the beginning of her journey. In her new book, Confidence Lost Confidence Found, which she wrote especially for women, she describes the insights and tools that helped her rebuild her confidence in a stronger and more sustainable way. Like Kate, if you found that your life has been turned upside down and your confidence is nowhere to be found, join us on Empowerment Radio, Thursday, October 15th at 9AM PT / Noon ET and learn how you can regain the belief in yourself and the motivation to make your life even better than ever before.